Ed Down <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 24 Feb 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > It is my understanding from what I've read on this list that it
> > is pretty much impossible to upgrade an "old" installation like mine
> > without re-installing.

That's an extremely harsh criticism.  Upgrading to the unstable
distribution is inherently risky, but upgrading between stable
versions should be fairly easy.

> As far as I can deduce from the directory structure at Debian, you CAN get
> new packages from the original release - minus all the updates - by taking
> them from the 'rex' directory.

Unfortunately limited space on CDs required that obsolete packages be
erased from rex.  rex contains a subset of the packages in 1.2.0.  (ie
- no packages are added).

> So if you installed 1.2.0 you can still add new packages from there
> without upgrade incompatibilities.

rex-fixed, aka, stable is nothing more than a tree of symlinks to
everything in rex plus everything in rex-updates.  The READMEs in
stable and rex-updates should make this eminently clean.


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