Well I guess I was expecting a little too much of NT when I just tried
to shift partitions around.

The plan was to simply backup a data partition and move it by creating a
new data partition on the same drive and restoring the backup. I figured
I'd be able to get the drive lettering sorted out.

I figured that once I removed my existing data partition that that would
free up that drive letter for the new data partition. Well Disk
Administrator decided to shuffle the letters around to it's liking such
that my boot partitions drive letter and my other drive letters were all
different. At no time did I expect DA to change my existing drive letter
configuration. So now the registry has all these references to totally
invalid drive letters. Thanks Microsoft for drive letters!

To top it off I agreed to write the signature that DA likes to write to
the drive in order to operate on it. and this has completely hoarked my
Debian Linux Boot record. I guess Linux requires that part of the boot
record that Microsoft assumes no other OS doesn't. Thanks Microsoft!

Disk Administrator and NT are about as reliable as Active X is secure.

I'm now am adding the following to my Resume.

I will not work with any Microsoft products!

And I'd like to remove every single Microsoft OS I currently own. Right
now that's 95,NT,DOS. I run System Commander under DOS and that's really
why I need DOS. So, with that in mind. Is it possible to use OSBS with
the following OS's?

OpenStep 4.1 Mach

Please help relieve me from Microsoft's Mediocrity.

Does anybody know how to run lilo once you've executed a shell from the
rescue disk? Basically I'm having a problem because / is the /ramdisk0
and not my harddrive. I think I need to rerun Lilo. However, the error
I'm getting, Thanks to NT, is 

Kernel Panic: VFS: Unable to mount root on 08:13

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