I'm sorry I cant give exact description of the problem becose I don't know.
My system is craching almost every day becose it fills up with processes
(>400) and run out of memory or gets to high system load (>200). It seems
like cron job sleeps infinitly wating for some system-call. After some time
(3-4H) two new cron-processes starts to be added every minut (can be atruns
but I do not have any atjobs (I think)). This fills upp my maskin wich will
eventuly crash. To add to the problems I cant login as root once the
problem have started and I cant shutdown the system with Ctr-Alt-Del ether
:( User logins are fine as long system load is not *to* high.

The cron.daily scripts runs fine but the problems, at least usaly, starts
after the cron.daly scrips is run. I am a bit lost and I have run out of
ides. This problem started on Debian 1.1 kernel 2.0.0 and I have upgraded
to Debian 1.2.6 and kernel 2.0.27 without inprovments (in this respect).
The system is an I486 100 with 16MB memory ans EIDE disks. The uppgrade
to debian 1.2 left me with both a update-pakage an the new bdflush-pakage,
witch I think is suposed to replace update? However, i cant purge update
and I dont think --force is a good ide in this case? It cant be the main
problem as the problem was ther before the upgrade....

I need help to find out wats hanging and why. Some indications:

At login prompt, typing wrong pasword results in an imediate "Login
incorect". Login then produses NO new login but getty (or whatever) times
out in 60secs produsing a new login. If a type in right login as root it
reports last login and then hangs infinitly. At the same time I can login
as a user! This make me suspect the root .profile and .bashrc but i cant
find anything stange there. At the same time allot of script/cronjobs
starts hanging. If I do alredy have a root shell active I can still use
it and if I kill all the 'hanging' jobs and restarts cron the system
usaly starts workinng normaly again??? Do You have any clue????.

Is it possably to tell what service a sleeping process is waiting for?
Anyone experienst somthing like this?

If You can tell what fine manual(s) I shuld read I be greatfull.

TIA /Lars
   /  / _/_ _/_ Lars Hallberg IT-konsult      Micro++
  /\_/\ /   /   www.micropp.se/lah            www.micropp.se            
 /   Micro++    OOP C++ WWW-Design Utbildning LINUX FreeWare

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