On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Daniel S. Barclay wrote:

> > > Has anyone else noticed that, since the upgrade to 3.2, X seems to be 
> > > slower ?

> > I've noticed one area where X is now slower. I run 2 X displays, one at 256
> > colors, the other at 16bpp. I switch between then a lot. It used to be a
> > very fast switch from one to the other. Now, I switch, and it takes 2-3
> > seconds before X starts responding to mouse movement again. Same thing
> > happens if I switch to a text console and then back to X.

> Me three.  I see this delay just switching from a text virtual console
> back to X.  

I don't. I use the mach64 xserver. My mouse is a ps2 mouse with the
"gpm -R" trick so I can use the mouse in the console and X.

It takes the regular 2 seconds that my monitor always takes when it
switches modes (and makes an audible electric ZAP sound), but as soon as
the screen comes back the mouse works right away.


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