On Tue, 11 Mar 1997, Mikael Hallendal wrote:
> > > I try to get the sound working i linux and when I do make config in th 
> > > kernel-source I'm aksed
> > > to enter the I/O-base but the only thing that happens is that it says 
> > > 'no help is available.
> > > Can anyone help me, please!
> The problem is:
> When I come to the point where I'm supposed to enter the I/O-base adress for 
> the SB-card I
> choose the default-value (which is 220). But no matter what I enter the only 
> response is
> 'No help page for this option yet' .. 

Just a workaround, I'm afraid, but you might never go back. Install
ncurses-dev and then make menuconfig. I certainly managed to configure my
mobo soundcard like that.

David Wright, Open University, Earth Science Department, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
U.K.  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  tel: +44 1908 653 739  fax: +44 1908 655 151

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