Afternoon listers, 
Well it seems I have a little more information now to present in the 
hopes someone can point me in the right direction.

Someone (the message in in windows right now...sorry) asked me if rpcinfo 
-p  gave any info.
Well here is what it says.
rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC. Remote system error -Network is 

Someone else asked me if inetd was running, and it appears to be so by 
looking at the output from top, and ps -aux.  

I've also  noticed an error which tells me that /proc filesysytem is not 
mounted.  I'm looking for the package to re-install on another vt right 
now, I hope this will cure this little prob.
(Yup, I used "less" on one of the files, didn't read about the zero 
filesize of these files till the damage was done) two lashes with a wet lart.

Man, I've made a mess of things this time.  I actually had diald up and 
running for two whole days, then I re-booted to M$ to put some files on 
disk for someone, that oughta teach!

The strangest thing in all of this, is that I can, now at least, connect 
with minicom and start pppd manually, which is fine, but I can't get my 
mail with fetchmail.  It seems that the remote system is querying my 
machine for some reason, and my smtp port is not listening.  ftp works, 
nntp works, telnet (which I'm using now to write this from pine on my 
providers machine)

Take pity on me, I've spent way too much time reading to be 
objective about this anymore....

Rich M

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