> > What is the difference between Red-Hat, Debian and Slackware?
> Slackware:  One of the oldest distributions, and is showing its age.
> Created as a "bugfixed" version of SLS (Softlanding Linux System).
> Maintained by one person (Patrick Volkerding); home site: Walnut Creek
> CD-ROM (www.cdrom.com).  No package tool available.  Very slow to get
> updated; no interim upgrades.  Considered by many "old-timers" to have
> "lost it" with the latest version (3.1), as most of the new parts are
> added "flash", with most known security problems left untouched.

I don't intend to promote Slackware on a Debian mailing list (I'm in
the process of `upgrading' from Slackware to Debian), but there are
some mistakes in the above.
Slackware _does_ have a package tool (called, I believe, pkgtool :-)
albeit simpler (less sophisticated, less capable) than those of
Debian or Redhat. 
Also Slackware _does_ have interim upgrades, both for new software 
versions and to fix security holes.  However with more limited packaging
and versioning etc, these are much less convenient than, say, Debian. 

David Pfitzner     [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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