Hello again.

After downloading a bunch of files in the dselect/ftp process for
updating my system, I reach a point where I get the following DPKG


Do you want to install the files fetched [y]: y
Installing files...
dpkg: `ldconfig' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `start-stop-daemon' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `install-info' not found on PATH.
dpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH.
dpkg: 4 expected program(s) not found on PATH.
NB: root's PATH should usually contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and

and I can't seem to get it to work after this.  I checked to see that
ldconfig was in root's path:

bash# echo $PATH
bash# which ldconfig

Is there another configuration file I need to fix or something?  I
didn't see this problem mentioned in the Jan97 or Feb97 archives.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Ken Gaugler  N6OSK  Santa Clara, California
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  URL: http://www.wco.com/~keng
"The life of a Repo Man is always INTENSE..."

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