Pete Templin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi there,

> 1) Do I need to do anything to ensure that my /dev/md0 has been started if
> I expect to use it in /etc/fstab?  If so, where do I put that?  My kernel
> has md compiled in (not a module).

Other people have addressed this question.
> 2) Can I also assume that it'll get unmounted cleanly and properly?

It does. 

> Thanks for your help,
> Pete

The only "weird" problem that I have had with it is that I needed to
make sure md and raid0 support were compiled into the kernel and not
"modularized".  After doing that, using "mdcreate" to make an mdtab
entry, and adding a line to my fstab, everything started "magically"

I have been using a raid0 partition quite heavily for a few months,
and it works very well.

+--------------------  finger for pgp public key  ---------------------+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |       |

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