I've managed to scramble my modules and am looking for some hints
on how to recover.  I'm running Debian 1.2 on a portable with a
pcmcia ethernet card.  Up until a few days ago, I'd been making
my own kernel using the kernel HOWTO instructions, rather than
the debian scripts.  Never wanting to leave well enough alone, I
decided to give the debian method a try.  

After making a kernel package with make-kpkg and installing it,
cardmgr would not run because of mismatched module symbols, so I
recompiled it using the debian/rules script in the pcmcia-cs
package.  This still didn't produce modules that were loadable.  

Going back to the kernel I'd been using before all of this
started didn't solve the problem - the modules are now the ones I
made and the symbols don't match.

Next I tried to back up and compile the old way (as described in
the kernel and pcmcia HOWTO's).  For the kernel, I did a make
config, make dep, make clean, make zdisk, reboot, make modules,
make modules_install, reboot.  I followed this with a make
config. make all, make install for the pcmcia package.  

Still, I get insmod "symbols don't match" errors.  If all this
hadn't broken my network connection (pcmcia ethernet), I'd just
reinstall the kernel image and source and the pcmcia packages and
try again.  With no network, I figured I'd bring the machine
upstairs to another linux box we have here and use floppies to
transfer the packages over.  The kernel image package won't fit
on a single floppy, so I used the 'M' option for tar.  When
trying to read the floppy, tar dumps core.

I'm stuck.  Any ideas or suggestions?


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