I have a base Debian system installed from floppies on my 586 133mhz. 
My hd is partitioned for Windoze95 and for Debian.  I ran fips, am using
a boot mgr, everything going fairly well until I get to the point of
trying to get my cdrom running under linux.

Please help, 'cause I'm rippin' my hair out here!

I've got a "quad speed" "creative labs" cdrom with a soundblaster 16
sound card. It works fine with winblows...  I bought my Debian CD from
CheapBytes with all the goodies on it, and there it sits, patiently

I've read the howto's that I think apply, I couldn't find anything in
the dejanews archives, and I even bought my Linux in a Nutshell book.

I've tried the ATAPI/IDE driver, nothing.  I have no SCSI devices in my
system.  I bought this system in 1995..were creative labs cdroms still
proprietary, or interfaced thru the sound card?

I know this is probably just a really dumb user error, and there's
probably a simple fix, but it eludes me :-(

Any suggestions, please?  TIA!

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