Christoph Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Marcelo Magallon writes:
>  > On 28 Feb 1997, Christoph Martin wrote:
>  > 
>  > > > The obvious solution is to remove all TeX files conflicting with teTeX
>  > > > before installing teTeX, but this is not "user friendly", "nice",
>  > > > "cool", etc.
>  > > 
>  > > You have no other chance. dpkg can't handle all (more than one) the
>  > > replaces.
>  > 
>  > Then, to the maintainer, PLEASE, include instructions about this unless we
>  > want to see the question "How do I upgrade TeX?" n+1 times on
>  > debian-user... I'm guessing something in the lines of "In dselect [R]emove
>  > packages *first*, *then* [I]nstall them" would work, but a bit more
> Where do you want to put these instructions? I have posted
> instructions to debian-user and debian-devel. If you put it in the
> preinst script it is to late.
>  > descriptive/less cryptic. Also, isn't there a workaround for the latex
>  > bug? I wouldn't like to see that question either, considering THERE IS a
>  > known solution.
>  > 
> The only solution I know is to do it in the right order, but how do
> you enforce this?

Some ideas on workarounds for the dpkg bug:
What about a dummy package tetex-convertion?

tetex-convertion replaces every old tex package.
tetex-convertion conflicts with every old tex package.
tetex-convertion is (pre)required by new tetexpackages

Perhaps, one dummy package for each old tex package could solve the problem if
the above approach fails.

PS: I can't try myself these approchs. 

Alair Pereira do Lago  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

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