On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, Vadim Vygonets wrote:

> > The release after that will be Debian-2.0 . The major difference in 2.0
> > will be that it is based on GNU LIBC, known in Linux circles as "libc 6".
> Two questions:
> 1. What's good about GNU libc?

A million things.

1) Full internationalization.
2) The concept of an "add-on".
3) Fully MT safe.
4) Better standard compliance.
5) Easier to support multiple architectures.
6) Easy to compile.  (at least that's my experience)
7) Userland programs won't have to depend on moving target kernel headers.
8) It'll support more platforms thus more people will find bugs thus
   more bugs will be fixed. 
9) Moves us towards having the /etc/nsswitch.conf, which IMHO is an
   extremely clean way to keep track of where your various services come

> 2. Whose libc is libc5?

My understanding is it was based off a very, very old GNU libc and has
been modified and added over the past few years.  It probably includes
code from lots of places.

       Douglas L Stewart         |  Currently at Hughes in El Segundo, CA:
 Pencom Systems Administration   |  
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |  Voice: (310) 364-8577
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