> Sorry for the continual re-posts, but I mis-stated the problem...
> I am not running a slave server, but rather a client machine.  following
> the nis.debian.howto document, I need to first stop, then start nis by
> typing:
> /etc/init.d/nis stop
> /etc/init.d/nis start
> But I get a nice little message saying:
> /etc/init.d/nis: start-stop-daemon: command not found
> /etc/init.d/nis: start-stop-daemon: command not found
> /etc/init.d/nis: start-stop-daemon: command not found
> (yep, 3 times)
> So, I'm at the end of my rope, guess you could say I'm a dope on a rope.
> Thanks will be handed out in genoerous portions to anyone with any help...
> Mike the confused...

My guess is that you aren't running as root?

It works fine here.  (as good as nis gets, anyways)  :-)


 - Jim

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