On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Alexander Koch wrote:

> [...]

> 3. On the boot discs there were only /dev/sdb1 to /dev/sdb8, both 9 and 10
> were missing. Well, it's not difficult to have 10 partitions if you a) only
> use two primary, one to be an extended partition with the rest being logical
> ones and b) if you're lucky and have a 4g hd. I had to mknod them and seem
> to have forgotten to do it on /target/dev/, too, what was further annoying.

I reported this problem on 27 Jan when I got stuck trying to install from 
Debian 1.2. (This was on sda, but sdb was the same.) Strangely, Debian 1.1
had 16 partitions which is why I didn't get hit before.

I don't think 1.2 had any ram disk devices either, so I couldn't rdev the
root device on my custom boot/root disk at home (1.2) but only at work
(originally 1.1). Looking at 1.3 of 4 Apr, it seems to have one ok 

So please, more SCSI partitions. Disks are getting bigger, and some of us
need to run multiple OSes. And please don't say "you should have more
disks, not partitions"; that's a decision made by our purchasing dept,
not me.
David Wright, Open University, Earth Science Department, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
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