From: Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 23 Apr 1997 16:59:13 -0500

           Could you please ask the customer what versions of
    libc{5,6}-dev, and kernel-{source,header,image}-X.X.XX packages are
    installed on their system? 

           I have kernel-source-2.0.30 on ,y machine, and I could not
    find any autoconfig.h on my system either (I have performed a make
    config as well), and I am curious where the reference comes from. As
    you can see below, there seems to be no reference to autoconfig.h
    anywhere in the kernel sources or the files in /usr/include.

I the file that he was looking for was probably autoconf.h --- it's
required by files such as /usr/include/linux/config.h.  autoconf.h is
generated by the kernel as part of the "make config" process.

                                                - Ted

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