You can connect all your devices to the 2940.  If you use the 50 pin
internal connector for the narrow devices you need to disable onboard 
termination of the low 8 bits and enable onboard termination of the 
high 8 bits.  You can still connect them externally if you get the 
appropriate internal to external or wide to narrow adaptors.  
The best source for these is probably Adaptec.  

You could still have proplems if the narrow devices are not 
compliant with the Scsi-2 specifications.  You might be able to
get the 1522 working by passing the right io-port parameters, 
either on boot, or to the module in /etc/conf.modules .


Dong H Nam wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an ISA SCSI controller (AHA1522B) to which Iomega Jaz external
> and Plextor SCSI CD-ROM internal are attached and a PCI SCSI (AHA2940UW)
> with two wide hard drives attached (C:, D:).
> When I tried to boot from Debian Linux (Debian GNU/Linux 1.2.2), the
> first SCSI controller (AHA1522B) was not recognized, but AHA2940UW was.
> I disabled the bios of AHA1522B in vain. I tried with Slackware Linux
> with the same result.
> Therefore, I could not install Liunx since my CD-ROM was not detected.
> I can connect the CD-ROM to AHA2940UW, but I have Jaz still on the
> AHA1522B since AHA2940UW works that way.
> Please let me know if there is any way I can use both of the controllers
> or I can use all of the devices (Wide SCSI H/Ds, SCSI CD-ROM, SCSI Jaz)
> on the AHA2940UW.
> Thank you very much.
> Sincerely,
> DH.

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