On Wed, 30 Apr 1997, Dima wrote:
> >The problem was avoided by removing the *_MODULES files.
> Didn't work here.  What version of kernel/ld.so/(what else?) are you
> using?
> Dimitri

When I compiled my first kernel, it was out of necessity for another
machine, so I couldn't use the "install" parts of make. The installation
had left these *_MODULES files on the first machine, and I fretted over
how to get them into the right places on my target machine.

Nowadays when I'm compiling kernels (on the target machines themselves), I
notice that I never end up with any of these files in my /lib/modules.

I can't find anything about them in all the documentation I've read. Does
anybody know what they are, or where they are documented?
David Wright, Open University, Earth Science Department, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
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