At 05:38 PM 30/04/97 -0700, Paul Hancock wrote:
>If I have a user logged in on several virtual terminals, each login shows
>when I do a 'who', as I would expect.  When I log the user out of one
>virtual terminal, however, it removes the utmp entry for that terminal and
>another which that user is still logged into.

I take you you've got sysvinit version 2.70-1 installed.  I reported a bug
on this and I'm pretty sure it should be fixed in sysvinit-2.71-1 try
installing it - it'll be in the archive soon.


Karl Ferguson,
Tower Networking Pty Ltd    Tel: +61-8-9456-0000        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
t/a STAR Online Services    Fax: +61-8-9455-2776        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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