In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dirk Herr-Hoyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is is just me, or is it really the case that
>no Unix has decent tools for administering user accounts :-), I've pretty
>much had to do this on every Unix system I've touched over the years ...
>but now I'm straying :-)  

deluser and adduser try to do everything themselves, but we now have

        useradd and userdel

which are standard (well, on sysv systems anyway) and documented. The
scripts and all your homemade scripts should call those programs to
do the real work.

|    Miquel van      |  "I need more space" "Well, why not move to Texas" |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  "No, on my account, stupid." "Stupid? Uh-oh.."    |
|   PGP fingerprint: FE 66 52 4F CD 59 A5 36  7F 39 8B 20 F1 D6 74 02     |

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