Eugene Sevinian wrote:
> Hi all,
> recently I read some warnings concerning hardware components which
> were desighned for Windows 95. Unfortunately I found that the cheapest
> modem avialable here is such one :(
> ( US Robotics Sportster 14.4 Faxmodem Internal V.32 bis with V.42 bis)
The above modem will work fine.  However, if it says "WinModem" RUN
AWAY, RUN FAR FAR AWAY. (Unless of course you like running a
monopolistic operating system that is trying to get a lock on the
hardware market too.)
Greg Vence              | Debian GNU Linux
KH2EA/4                 | Diamond 2000 (7npw 4cpw)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    | There is time for what's important

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