Having moved my Debian system from a 850Meg IDE to a 1.2 Gig IDE that
had been previously used for Win95 [I know, but I _have_ to use
Win95 for certain apps], it appears that the partition table is
really messed up.

Using LBA in the BIOS settings, Debian seems to be happy with it,
but DOS/Win95 doesn't report the sizes correctly.  If I use Extended
CHS for the BIOS, DOS/WIn95 is happy but Debian is not.

I have to rebuild the Win95 installation anyway, and am willing to
re-do the Linux also if I can resolve this problem.  The large-disk
HOTWO suggests using LBA for large disks.  This may be fine for
Linux, but I am not convinced it is correct if one wants to put a
DOS partition on the Linux disk.

At this point I am beginning to think that for a 2-disk system, I
should make the first one Win95 exclusively, and make the second
one strictly a Linux disk (and use LBA on the Linux disk).

If anyone has successfuly done this I would like to hear the
details of your configuration.

BTW I am using Intel Zappa Motherboard W/AMI BIOS.


Key fingerprint =  D6 A7 D7 8C 92 CB 42 FD  60 D5 62 1C D7 B9 EA 8E 
Ken Gaugler  N6OSK         Hybrid Networks, Inc.  Cupertino, Calif.
URL: http://www.hybrid.com 
(personal: "keng at wco dot com"  URL: http://www.wco.com/~keng)
"The life of a Repo Man is ALWAYS INTENSE..."

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