
Since upgrading from Slackware to Debian, we can't get email from a
particular site.  I'm wondering if someone who's running a system
configured similarly to ours, and hopefully who could tell what's
wrong, could let a friend of mine send email to them and see if they
get it?  (I.e., any smtp-knowledgeable volunteers?)

Our configuration is a full-time PPP connection from our Debian 1.2
ethernet LAN to an ISP (who is running non-Linux stuff).  When my
friend sends email directly to our Debian server, it hangs trying to
send the data.  But if the mail is sent first to our ISP, and
forwarded from there to here, we get it fine.  My friend's
administrator says that we're the only site that has had this trouble;
they are the only site I've noticed it from.  Email flowed fine when
we were running an old Slackware system (a month or two ago).

The other oddity I've noticed is that I can't access the web page for
www.boston.com from our LAN; I get a few bytes but then it stops
transmitting.  I can read the page fine from my old student account at
Indiana (using Lynx), but not from here.  Anyone else running Debian
1.2 able to read that page?  Could the problem be my ISP?  (I can ping
www.boston.com, so it's not a net-connectivity problem.)

Any help would be appreciated---I don't want to have to go back to
Slackware, but this worries me quite a bit.


Pete Harlan

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