On 15 May, Rick Macdonald wrote:
Re: R. Chris Ross wrote:
Re: > 
Re: >      I wondered if the D3 Rage chip set boards would work with
Re: > XFree86.  They are supposed to be quite hot and someone offered to
Re: > trade me a Wincharge for one even up.
Re: I have an ATI Graphics Pro Turbo Mach64 (4MB VRAM) in my Pentium 133.
Re: The wife needs a PC so she's getting mine I'm getting a P200MMX
Re: with the newer ATI 3D Graphics Pro Turbo (4MB SDRAM, I think), with all
Re: that PC2TV stuff. This has the 3D Rage chip set.
Re: I've been assuming that the 3D Rage wasn't supported yet and was going
Re: to keep the old card in the new machine.
Re: I don't even know which board is faster. Anybody?
Re: Maybe I should grab the new 3D GPT once the chipset is supported in
Re: XFree?

If my memories are correctl then the 3D Rage _is_ supported in XFree 3.2
and the 3D Rage II in XFree 3.2A...

3.2A is not available as a .deb package, but I've seen several reports
of people simply replacing the Mach64 Xserver binary from 3.2 with the
one from 3.2A. Haven't tried this myself, but did do a similar thing
under Slackware last fall (3.1.2->3.1.2F) so it'd seem reasonable...

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