On 25-May-97 Douglas Bates wrote:
>I have been using Debian 1.3 with a 2.1.35 kernel at home.  I usually
>connect to my ISP using xisp but I also have pppd configured.
>Recently I upgraded to libc6.  I'm not sure that I got all the needed
>pieces in place.  One side-effect of the upgrade is that both pppd and
>xisp now fail immediately after establishing the connection.  After
>running pppd the tail end of /var/adm/messages looks like
> May 25 10:39:10 localhost chat[200]: slip-server> -- got it 
> May 25 10:39:10 localhost chat[200]: send (ppp^M) 
> May 25 10:39:10 localhost pppd[198]: Serial connection established.
> May 25 10:39:11 localhost pppd[198]: Using interface ppp0
> May 25 10:39:11 localhost pppd[198]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/cua1
> May 25 10:39:13 localhost pppd[198]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
> May 25 10:39:13 localhost pppd[198]: Modem hangup
> May 25 10:39:13 localhost pppd[198]: Connection terminated.
> May 25 10:39:13 localhost pppd[198]: Exit.
>Any ideas where to start looking for the program that may be failing?
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Most likely in the experimental kernel you are using.

||W.D. McKinney (Dee) 
|Home: http://www.deesign.com   Work: http://www.gci.com

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