On Sun, 25 May 1997, Oleg Krivosheev wrote:

>  Hi, debianians, martians and other sapiens !
> i upgraded from stable to frozen just yesterday
> (got around 40M from debian including kernel-image 2.30)
> and discovered several glitches:
> 1. During booting time looks like there is no
>    /proc/modules, while after login it's there.
>    Still figuring out what's going on

Wierd, I thought they fixed that.  The problem may be that /proc isn't
mounted until later in the boot process.  Do you have a /proc entry in

> 2. Emacs 19.34 now gives me warning in minibuffer
> No /etc/mailname. Reverting to default...
> with a small but noticeable delay (2-3 sec) after the message.
> Should i create this file? What i have to
> put in it, my e-mail address ?

/etc/mailname contains the domain name your mail should appear to come

> 3. There is no /bin/tcsh link. Hmm... Removed
> tcsh, got new one from frozen and reinstalled.
> Again /bin/csh link is here but no /bin/tcsh.

The proper paths for tcsh is /usr/bin/tcsh.  /bin/csh, /bin/sh, and
/bin/bash are the only shells/links that should be in the bin directory
according to FSSTND and the new FHS.

> 4. GS-alladin forces me to install svgalib.
> Tried to remove svgalib and replace it with
> svgalib-dummy without any success. Look like
> some bug in dependencies.

There isn't a good solution to the svgalib problem with ghostscript other
than to install svgalib or --force-depends install it.

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|   Scott K. Ellis   |   first minute you meet than your acquaintances   |
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