On Wed, 28 May 1997, Leandro Asnaghi-Nicastro wrote:

> Sorry for my previous request which apparently was sent to the wrong 
> distribution list (many apologies to Pete Templin who kindly pointed it 
> out to me).
> I've been trying to download a PASCAL compiler for Linux and I've been 
> unsuccesful.  Every site I've gone to either has the wrong link on their 
> html or I am denied the FTP transfer. I am assuming that this is a 
> problem with our WinNT server.  Anyone has ideas of where I could 
> download this program?  I've tried linux.org with their software map 
> engine which failed, and I also went on sunsite.
> Thank you all for your patience and help.

You want gpc and gpc-doc, about 1.5 mb total. If you can't get them by ftp
from ftp.debian.org or a mirror site, tell me what does actually work on a
WinNT server (http?) and I will see what I can do to help. I absolutely
hate pascal, but I'm compassionate :) 

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
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