>>Ralph Winslow wrote:
 >> Did you try 24/32 bpp?  
 >Yes, I got them by default, but <CTRL><ALT>+ and <CTRL><ALT>- (+ and -
 >on numeric 
 >keypad) don't seem to be working.
They only switch screen resolutions, not colour depth.  Colour depth is
in /etc/XF86Config -- by default it's 8 bpp, unless 8 bpp entry is not present
(in section "Screen", subsection "Display".  Ways to start X in a given colour 
depth: `startx -- -bpp N`, DefaultColorDepth N entry in section "Screen" 
any "Display" subsections, or having a single "Display" subsection with Depth 

 >Which README are you referring to?  Any way, thanks for the reply - I'll
 >try to research what linear addressing is and how to specify it and let
 >you know how trying that works out.
Why, /usr/doc/X11/README.trident of course. :-)
As for linear addressing, PCI cards don't require that option.  If yours 
is not PCI, then it may work for you (or not -- read the file, it also lists
a number of interesting problems with non-PCI cards.)


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