Ed Down writes:
>What _I_ would like is a nice concise posting regarding setting up a mail
>filter for pine and other mail progs, posted regularly, so that instead of
>saying 'I will unsubscribe' and losing possibly important members of the
>list, people say 'That mail filter sounds easy to set up, I'll do that

As for the main part of the thread I enjoy the side issues, they are
not so a total waste of time.  I personally have learned alot of
information that wasn't 'debian' specific.

As for filtering I use elm on my isp to read and filter my mail.  With all 
the debian going to a separate folder.  This way I don't have to worry about
deleting an email by accident when purging debian mail.  

Here are some of my filter rules and .forward that I use

# debian rule
if (to contains "debian") then save "~/Mail/debian"

#last rule - safety rule
if (always) leave 

"|/usr/local/bin/filter -o /dev/null"

Mechanical Engineering                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://widget.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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