On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, Curt Howland wrote:

> I have shadow passwords turned on, under Debian 1.3. However,
> the X login started automatically at boot does not recognize
> any of the valid userID/password combinations. 

You're probably referring to the "xdm" login.
> My assumption is that X does not know about shadow passwords,
> and from my investigations it seems I may be correct.

This is indeed correct. The problem is, that there is a separate 
"xdm-shadow" to handle shadow passwords.

The bug is with xbase, which does not properly install xdm-shadow when 
you've enabled shadow passwords. If you first install xbase and then turn 
on shadow support, this problem does not arise.

> 1) Is there a setting to make it work?

The solutions are:
- change to the virtual console with Ctrl-Alt-F1, log in as root and type 
    shadowconfig off
  but then you lose shadow support
- change to the virtual console with Ctrl-Alt-F1, log in as root and type
    /etc/init.d/xdm stop     # because you can't update it when it runs
    shadowconfig on          # makes xdm xdm-shadow
    /etc/init.d/xdm start    # if this were windows, you'd now reboot :-)
- wait for the release of 1.3.1, which will have a fixed xbase.  

> 2) If !1, then how do I turn off the automatic X boot-up
>    so I can startx after logging on?

"man xdm". No, seriously, look in /etc/X11/config, you'll find the lines
These lines were placed there by the xbase configure script when you 
answered "yes" to the question to run xdm. Anyway, comment those lines 
out with a "#" and xdm is gone. If you later decide that you want xdm back, 
you can always just uncomment them. 

When you have x running, be sure to install tkman. Makes reading manpages 
a lot more comfortable. 

Good luck,


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