Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Anyone else having this problem? Unfortunately I don't
> subscribe to linux-kernel because I expect the volume is very high.
> Hamish

I have read that SMP is enabled by default in the newer kernels, and
this gives very poor performance (in 2.1.42 specifically) on
uniprocessor machines.  So, comment out SMP=1 in the top level
Makefile and rebuild your kernel, if you don't need SMP.  Personally,
I'm staying away from the developmental kernels for now - I'm running
SMP and have had the best luck with 2.0.14, and reports for newer
kernels haven't looked that good for SMP.  (They're in the middle of
aggressive optimizations for SMP, so it's really no surprise!)

+--------------------  finger for pgp public key  ---------------------+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |     http://www.ececs.uc.edu/~dmartin       |

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