On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Jim Michael wrote:

> I have a Win95 box networked to my Linux (Debian 1.2) box. The latter was 
> booted while an ftp and telnet session were active (back when I had to rm 
> my XF86Config file to kill the flashing screen). Now, when I telnet or 
> ftp to the Linux box from the Win95 box, I get a connection but there are 
> several minutes before I get a login prompt. w shows a load ca .3. Any 
> idea what might cause this and possible cure. I have rebooted both machines.

The fact that you eventually get a login prompt is a good start.

I had about the same delay on my first linux box with all services
telnet, ftp, http from a win box. It turned out that I had the IP of the
linux box as it's gateway also. I set gateway to none, rebooted and it
worked fine. Use ifconfig to see the current values and change them.

Other notes on win TCP/IP
You don't need a hosts file on the win box for testing - just use the IP

You don't need an entry in /etc/hosts on the linux box for the win box IP
unless you get a connection refused message. This can be caused by
services which use 'get host by name'. If you get this, check in /var/log
(I forget which file) to get the machine name the win box is reporting
itself as and fix /etc/hosts to reflect this.

I remember that uncommenting only one of these 2 lines in /etc/hosts will
fix the connection refused message if you get it.

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# w95sux

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