>>Rick Hawkins wrote:
 >wow, that was fast :)
 >I've downloaded it, and read the docs.  I compiled the kernel with
 >support for these devices.  
 >They will go on a machine with 3 200m ide drives, which will be a poor-man's
 >server.  My current thinking is to mount / on the first controller, and
 >use the other pair as /usr on the second interface.  /usr will be NFS
 >exported.  Or would I be better off putting the two /usr drives on
 >separate controllers?
 >also, would I be better off combining all three?  and finally, will
 >linear or raid0 give be better performance on ide drives (i know the
 >answer is raid0 on scsi).

Put  RAIDed disks on one controller and / and swap on another.  Also, 
IIRC if disks on one controller support different modes, contoller will 
use the [s]lowest for both.  So, if your disks aren't identical you might 
want to run a few tests on them (hdparm) first.


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