I've got 2 'boxed' systems to develop. One for multiple balanced modems
because the frame relay costs are ugly in Maine. The other for wireless
microwave links. Both are intended to provide Internet to
win/mac/schmuckware workstations.

I am planning to use bootable CD's on these. A motherboard with builtin
IDE and enough RAM to eliminate swapping should be affordable.

The way to develop these is to use an IDE drive with a boot floppy. The
filesystem normally stays read-only except for making configuration
changes. When it's ready, move it to a CD-R with the boot floppy image

I can always put in a flash card for non-volatile storage. The overall
idea is to make it cheap, reliable, and low power so it will run a while
on a UPS. Modular has a nice sound, too.

This may seem like an imitation of Cisco et. al., but a spare ethernet
interface for a Cisco router probably costs more than $18.00 (NE2000).

I think that developing along these lines provides more flexibility in the
long run. Ftp, http, etc. usage patterns change and you don't want to tear
the router/gateway apart because the webmaster demands an upgrade.

On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Tim Sailer wrote:

> In your email to me, Dave Cinege, you wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, 24 Jun 1997 11:23:14 -0400 (EDT), Tim Sailer wrote:
> > 
> > >> >I haven't played with the source yet. I was hoping not to. I'm trying to
> > >> >put together an 'instant ISP' type system, complete with a linux based
> > >> >term server. I use the SDL WAN cards, with the builtin csu, so I'm
> > >> >also building a 'pop-in-a-box' solution. Get your phone lines, your
> > >> >leased line, plug this all in and turn it on.
> > >> 
> > >> This is what we will be working on....
> > >> 
> > >> Linux Router Project   www.psychosis.com/linux-router/
> > >
> > >I'm doing a little more that that on the remote end. With a 1 gig drive
> > >and 64mb ram, you can have DNS, and a web cache running on the box
> > >too. Using everything you can to reduce the traffic, you can get a lot
> > >of modems on a 56k line.
> > 
> > Combining your data and terminal server is bad practice and a bad idea.
> True.. thats not what I'm doing though. Like I said, it's a pop..
> everything goes back to the main network.
> > If you also intend to do all routing from the box you are crazy.
> > 
> > router/terminal server, ok but web/ftp/etc should be in a separate box.
> Right. But forwardonly DNS and a web *cache* (within limits of the cpu 
> and memory) can run happily on the same box.

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.greenbush.com/ +
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