On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Rick Hawkins wrote:

:After the hints so far, it's clear that eata 's error messages have to
:do with using the same adresses as the second ide card (which is
:installed).  However, those aren't the correct adressess.  
:I actually have three scsi cards sitting here to choose from:
:1) the nec card, which, on closer look, claims to be a Trantor T160.  I
:find T1x8 refferences in the howto, but no T160.
:2) a future domaine 1610, with TMX18XX chip (it really says XX).

Don't know about either of these :/

:3) an adaptec 1510, but it has a tiny external connector; we're still
:trying to find the cable.

I *do* know about these.  Throw it very, very far.  Adaptec makes great
(IMHO) controolers these days, but this one sucks (as you can tell from
the DB25 external connecter, I believe it is)

I'd try 1) or 2) :)

Somebody out there has to be using these things ...

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