> I created the following partitions on my PC with debian: linux, linux
> swap space, and DOS 16bit >32MB on my PC.  I made the DOS partition
> the bootable one.  Linux seemed to have continued to install
> correctly. 

> When I rebooted the computer, the computer did not start into 
> eithe.
> How do I install MSDOS in the DOS partition?  
> How do I select the OS of choice for booting up?

What you need is lilo, which should have come with Debian.  I would read
through /usr/doc/lilo/Manual.txt, which explains things very nicely.
Basically, you describe your setup to a program called lilo with a config
file.  lilo can be set to allow you to choose which system you boot, as
well as doing the startup chore.  You can install the loader on your disks
MBR or elsewhere.  From what I hear the second method is better, and I
believe it because my setup doesn't work right at the moment. 
Unfortunately, DOS and Win95 are both stupid pigs when it comes to booting
up.  DOS will only boot if you have just made it's partition the active
one with DOS fdisk, and Win95 simply will not keep it's grubby mits off
your disk no matter what you do (tip: never allow a wizard to reboot for
you).  If anyone out there can help me with either of these problems I
would greatly appreciate it.

I like six eggs when starting on a journey.  Fried - not poached.  And
mind you don't break 'em.  I won't eat a broken egg.  
                                              -- Thorin Oakenshield 

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