1- Does a package exist for the Majordomo mailing list handler?  
   Or do I install it from scratch?

   The installed /etc/passwd file has an entry for Majordomo, yet
   I can't find this package using the www.debian.org search engine.
2- There's no anonymous ftp account on a Debian installation?
   I'm quite surprised.  Do I install it fro scratch?

Thanks again for all your help!
This list is invaluable in setting up the system.
Peter Galbraith, research scientist             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Maurice-Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada  418-775-0852 - FAX 418-775-0546

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