On Sat, 28 Jun 1997, Lindsay Allen wrote:

> Richard,
> Would it fix things if you were to ping a non-existant host, thus causing
> a broadcast from your box?  Maybe ping to various subnets as required?

Good idea.  I now have two debian linux machines passing an IP alias
between them. I get the one which has just taken on the alias to ping an
unused IP number on the localnet, after setting the alias interface to be
the gateway to the localnet.  I then swap the routing back to normal.  I'm
observing what other machines on the localnet do with-respect-to their arp
tables.  These other machines are: 

        AIX 4.2
        Solaris 2.5
        Win 95
        Digital Unix (OSF)
        Cisco router 

All of these happily update their arp caches as I switch the aliases
EXCEPT for Solaris!  It's brain-dead!  It continues to cache entries for
ages.  I don't know what to do about that!

> I do not have much experience here.  <g>

I'm just learning to, with the help of some local network gurus. 

Richard Shepherd ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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