On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, Ronald van Loon wrote:
> > In a message to me, Hamish Moffatt, you wrote:
> > |"Unfortunately, LSL (and similar companies like CheapBytes)
> > |"have outrageous overseas shipping policies, which will see
> > |"me pay $4.95 for two discs, making a $5 donation
> > |"to SPI, and a $22 donation to whatever courier company
> > |"or shipping agent it is they use. I would be happy to pay
> > |"$9.95 for the disc and $7 odd for postage, which is what
> > |"Walnut Creek/Pacific HiTech charge me on their monthly Linux discs.
> > 
> > Shipping to Europe is only $8 - I don't see why Australia should be much
> > different.
> > 
> I ship CDs all over the world, and none have ever cost me more than $5.00,
> not even Australia!

Same here. Outside of US, Canada, and Mexico I charge a $6.00 shipping and
handling fee regardless of quantity ordered for first class mail. Some of
these 'vendors' are just lazy and greedy. They don't want overseas
orders because it involves some reading, mathematics, a customs tag, and
an insurance tag. This would mean actually working for a living!

I only charge $3.00 shipping and handling to US, Canada, and Mexico. When
I have looked for supplies and equipment on the Internet, I found many
vendors seem to only want US customers with credit cards. Some of them
ship everything by expensive air freight. 

I opened a UPS daily pickup account thinking that many people would want
overnight delivery. It turns out the majority of them prefer to save some
money and use the mails. So many that I just ordered a postage meter. 

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.greenbush.com/ +

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