>>John Foster wrote:
 >On Tue, 1 Jul 1997, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 >> > > This is not readable by an editor.  Is there something special about th
 >> > > .gz??
 >> > 
 >> (Funny how an non-Debian specific question still generates so many
 >> responses on this list!)
 >Not really. What we have here is a real problem for the newbies.
 >To access the documentation you really need to be able to access
 >the documentation. Then you can determine what is (and isn't) a Debian
 >specific issue. Having a system which can hold the newbies' hand till
 >they can walk for themselves has probably never been a design goal for
 >Debian, but I think that the user base is growing at such a rate that
 >it could be time...
 >Perhaps there should be a quick intro to gzip, zless and zcat in the
 >opening scripts (just after the first dselect run?).

Even better, a quick intro to mc (and make mc a standard admin package.)


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