On Wed, 2 Jul 1997 15:19:10 -0400 (EDT), Dale Scheetz wrote:

>> Ah.  But someone somewhere is offering them for $5 right?  I know I didn't
>> imagine that.  Still even at $50 Debian is a bargain.  I've cut a few
>> official CD sets to give to various people I work with and the response
>> has been quite favorable.
>Yes, there is a $5.00 1.3.0 Official CD from LSL. These are volume pressed
>from the original $50.00 golds. 

FWIW normal stamped CD's run about $1 a peice with the jewel case and 2 
color silk in low (few hundred) quanity. CDR's are about $5. (And take 0.5
hours per disc to cut at X2 )

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