Stephen Zander hat gesagt: // Stephen Zander wrote: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> Has anyone got any suggestions for an X-capable threaded
> mail reader that I can use with mailagent or deliver.
> Currently I'm using xmh and it's just not cutting the
> 200+ emails I see a day.  I like the MH features, I
> just need multiple inboxes, which it doesn't do :(

  Well, let start praising our favorite mail readers. Mine is not pine but
  Mutt. It threads, has nice coloring, let's you select and save debian
  lists in special folders, reads every kind of mailbox format, mbox, mh
  and what else lives out there.

  It handles MIME, can PGP ...

  Well, the only thing: It is text based. If you really want clickable
  buttons and such, you have to look somewhere else.
  There exists a mutt-debian package in unstable, but it depends on libc6
  which I don't have installed yet, so I compiled my own version. No
  problems here, and it never crashed on me.

                                Frank Barknecht


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