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Mark Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A friend of mine wants to install Debian on his laptop.  He recently
> ordered the CDs and tried to install it using a CD drive attached to
> his parallel port.  He tells me that unfortunately linux didn't
> recognise the parallel port, or atleast, couldn't access his CD through
> it.  Any ideas?
> I'm sorry this information is a bit vague at the moment, but I haven't
> been able to have a personal look at it yet.  My friend is actually a
> senior member of the mathematics department of my university and has a
> fair degree of influence, so it would be good to have him become a Debian
> user.  However if he can't get Debian working soon, I suspect he will go
> for another distribution.

that wont help because *linux* don't support the parallel port scsi
CD-ROM 8-(

That's my problem too. It's possible to start linux form dos from the
CD, but afterwards you can't access the CD-ROM. The SCSI-HOWWO
mentioned that there will never be support for parallel port CD-ROMs.

I'll go over a parallel ZIP drive which works with linux - or have you
a better idea?? My problem is: How can I arrange Debian on a 100 MB
floppy to get no dependency errors?


Christian Leutloff, Aachen, Germany

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