On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Joergen Haegg wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  you write:
> >
> >The problem could be that I can't install pcmcia-modules properly (as
> >outlined in my previous email) but I'm not sure if this is the problem or
> >the only problem.
> Just wanted to say that you are not alone. :-)
> I installed 2.0.30 kernel-image and pcmcia-modules, plus pcmcia-cs
> thru diskettes.
> It almost works, the cardmanager finds my ethernet card (IBM creditcard II)
> and tries to load the 8390-driver.
> But the driver complains about unresolvable symbols, some of these:
> netif_rx_R9117ffb8
> dev_alloc_skb_R24ee337ab
> ether_setup_...
> eth_type_trans_...
> dev_kfree_skb_...

I've had problems in the past with the pcmcia packages.  My
solution was to use both the kernel source and pcmcia
source packages and build custom binaries myself.  Make sure
you build the modules from the kernel package.  You will
probably have to define some aliases in /etc/modules.conf as

The result works great on my laptop with both a modem and
ethernet card.

Jean Pierre

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