LE>Hi again,

LE>thinking a bit more of it, it might be a good idea to make an ldconfig
LE>(as root) to see what's the matter with your libraries. Maybe it even
LE>solves your problems.

LE>By the way, how much experience do you have with Linux in general? I
LE>hope this question doesn't sound rude, it's just goot to know to be able
LE>to adjust the answers accordingly.


LE>     Andree

No its not rude....  

I have been using linux now for some 6 months.  I don't program on it
and don't have any idea as to what a lot of the files are for.  Now DOS
another story.... 

I use Linux becuase of its ability to handle internet very well.  Thats
what we use it for but not having anyone in my area where I live at
that knows anything about it is hard to find.....

Ok on ldconfig:  I get these messages....

ldconfig:  warning: can't open /usr/lib/libc.so (No such file or
directory),  skipping
ldconfig:  warning: can't open /usr/lib/libm.so (No such file or
directory),  skipping

the libc.so points to /lib/libc.so.5.4.33 but this file does not exist
I have a 5.4.23
the libm.so points to /lib/libm.so.5.0.9 but this file does not exist I
have a 5.0.8

What gives here??  What is ldconfig for?

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