DW>I suspect that your problems are with the ftp method (this was not tested
DW>as extensivly as it should have been)

DW>You indicated that you have tried this 7 times. Was it from scratch each
DW>time? That is, did you start over and do a fresh install each time?

Yes each time was a start over...  Set the Boot partition back to the
dos partition first and start again.  

DW>Suggestion: Set up the base system. Download the new libc5 package and
DW>install it with "dpkg -i libc5*.deb 2>&1 |tee install.log". This will put
DW>all the error messages into the file intall.log. If the installation
DW>fails, send me the file.

Does this mean....  When dselect is ran skip the selectoin process and
jump strait to install???

DW>If you think it might help, you should feel free to call me, but we should
DW>be able to resolve this via e-mail.

DW>With respect to a CD. I'm fairly confident that a CD would work for you
DW>(this sounds like a problem with the ftp method of dselect) and can
DW>provide you with a 1.3.1 CD. If you are interested, let me know.

Whats the cost here????

DW>On Wed, 2 Jul 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

DW>> Is there anyone out there that I could call concerning my problem
DW>> installing debian 1.3.
DW>> I have only had one responce on my posted questions... and am no
DW>> farther ahead than I was a week ago.  
DW>> Whats my problem???  Well ok, let's see, the installation of the base
DW>> system
DW>> works correctly. I can boot my Debian GNU/Linux system from
DW>> harddisk, and I have a network connection.
DW>> Now to the problems. I start dselect, choose ftp as access method, do
DW>> an update this works, select my packages, start install. And then
DW>> it stops with the dpkg-message referring to can't map /lib/libc5.
DW>> I try to install the file libc5_5.4.33-3.deb using dpkg and I get a
DW>> message that says version 4.23-6 is already installed.
DW>> I do get other error messages trying to install other files using the
DW>> dpkg -i method.  I seem to get all sorts of dependency errors.  So I
DW>> try to install the files that the system says it depends on and end up
DW>> back at the can't map /lib/libc5 error.  I also get some kind of error
DW>> that says that the /usr/lib/libc.so.5 file is missing.  I look for it
DW>> and it points to a file in lib/libc.so.5.  
DW>> At this point I am confused on whats right and whats wrong.  After
DW>> installing this thing  7 times now and always running up into the same
DW>> error every single install, I don't know where to turn.  The IRC are
DW>> useless and I haven't gotten but one responce on this list.  
DW>> Does anyone know of anyone I can call for help???  If I bought a CD
DW>> would it make a differnece?   Am I talking to brick wall???????????
DW>> Tony Koehn
DW>> slakware is looking real nice right about now........
DW>> This email originated from ourtownusa.com.
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DW>_-_-_-_-_-_-                                          _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

DW>aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
DW>      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
DW>      e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Tallahassee, FL  32308

DW>_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-
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