Responding to the message of Sat, 5 Jul 1997 10:49:36 -0600 
> Well here we go again....
> A little background so some of you remember.....
> I installed debain 1.3 (7) times.  Have been having trouble getting
> dselect to install files using the ftp access method.  I keep getting
> this can't map /lib/libc message.
> Well someone sugested that I type this....
I don't know much but I will surely try to help you out.
First, where did you get the distribution?  Is it on CD?  Did you
FTP it?  Having installed Slackware a number of times before I learned of 
Debian, I know this can be a frustrating experience.  Personally, this is 
my take on the situation:  I would ftp the rescue, drivers, and base disks 
from one of the debian sites... I always use in 
/pub/mirrors/debian.  Having installed Debian three days ago using that 
method, completely without flaw (except X, but that's a whole new ball of 
wax), I can only say that I think it should work for you, too.

Give it a try, and let us know how it goes!

Jon Nelson
U of MN Housing and Res Life Computing Supervisor

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