On Sun, 6 Jul 1997, Robert D. Hilliard wrote:

>      During the base installation, as part of configuring the network,
> the configure script asks for the netmask and the IP address for the
> network and/or the default gateway.  Where is this information stored?

In the "Network Administrator's Guide" (part of the Linux Documentation
Project, can be browsed on sunsite.unc.edu or bought as a book frommm
O'Reilly and Associates.) Or in any decent book on TCP/IP.

If you have an existing network, go ask the administrator.
If you don't, fill in as IP address and default gateway, as netmask. That'll do for the installation. Then you should
read about TCP/IP. It isn't really that hard, but too long to explain
here anyway.

Good luck and have fun,


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