Netscape doesn't include any instructions for setting up helper 
apps. w/ unix.  For example, I want to run VRML directly from 
netscape.  Great!  So, I go to preferences/Navigator/Applications
and create a new mime-type called x-world/x-vrml.  I then tell it that
this is for extension wrl.  I tell it to execute the shell string
/usr/local/bin/vrweb -URL '%u' -remote %s.  This is perfect as far 
as I'm concerned.  HOWEVER, what netscape does is truly twisted.
Instead of just issuing this command string, it genererates
((/usr/local/bin/vrweb -URL 'http:/*.wrl' -remote
/tmp/MO*.wrl); rm /tmp/MO*.wrl)& and issues that.

Now this appears to be fine, however, it doesn't execute.  Netscape

sh: -c: line 1: missing closing ')' for arithmetic expression
sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
sh: -c: line 1: ((<command line here>); rm /tmp/MO*.wrl)&

So to humor netscape, I add an extra ')' at the end of my incantation
which gets rid of errors 1 and 2 BUT replaces them with an error
which indicates that the & is too close to the ')' and my shell is

WHAT the HELL is going on here???   When they say unsupported, I 
guess they mean truly untested by human hands.  I'm going to start
downloading .wrl files via amaya and I may just go to using that
on a permanent basis.

But if anyone can tell what the heck gives with this stuff, I'd
be glad to fix my end :)

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