On Mon, 7 Jul 1997, Eddie Katz wrote:

> When the kernel boots I have a message:
> lp0 at 0x0378, (irq = 7)
> Then when I try printing (LPRNG) I get an error message
> Status: Cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'No such device or address', sleeping 10 at 
> 17
> Why is it trying /dev/lp1 since the kernel loaded /dev/lp0 ???

It sounds like you are using a 2.1.x kernel with a printcap file
configured for an earlier kernel.  /dev/lp1 used to be the (probably
incorrect) default.  This was changed to /dev/lp0 in 2.1.??  Check you
/etc/printcap to be sure.

> Also if someone has a "lpd.conf" with one local printer and one remote as an 
> exa
> mple I would appreciate it.

I have no lpd.conf file.


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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